“Financial Management & Funding Your Business”
Develop your entrepreneurial skills and business acumen at a free Brown Bag Lunch seminar. This seminar will explore Financial Management & Funding Your Business. Ron White, of Merrill Lynch will be the keynote speaker. Ron specializes in financial services and cash management. His focus is on assisting individual clients and business […]
Develop your entrepreneurial skills and business acumen at a free Brown Bag Lunch seminar. This seminar will explore Financial Management & Funding Your Business. Ron White, of Merrill Lynch will be the keynote speaker. Ron specializes in financial services and cash management. His focus is on assisting individual clients and business owners in fulfilling their financial goals and objectives.
Ron graduated from The United States Military Academy at West Point where he earned a B.S. Degree in General Engineering. He obtained his M.B.A. from Bowie State University and is currently a Business PhD candidate with Capella University. He has been in the Financial Services Industry since 1998 and has served clients for over a decade. He will be covering all aspects of Financial Management.
When: August 20, 2008 Financial Management – Funding Your Business
Where: Petersburg Public Library, 137 S. Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Va.
Time: 12:00 – 1:30pm
Cost: Free – Bring Your Lunch – drinks provided
Because of limited seating, reservations are requested. Please RSVP at 804.518.2003 or FAX 804.518.2004.
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