This week at Friday Cheers
It’s been a long week, hasn’t it? I feel you, peeps. Don’t worry, there are three (count ‘em THREE!) great local acts playing Friday Cheers this coming (yep, you guessed it) Friday. These groups will have you forgetting the hideously bland aspects of the past week in no time, will put a smile on your face, and make sure that you’re in sound shape for the Memorial Day weekend.
This week’s Friday Cheers held, as always, at Brown’s Island beginning at 6.30pm, features three of the best local music acts around: Three Sheets to the Wind, NO BS! Brass Band, and Long Arms.
Three Sheets to the Wind unabashedly plays “Yacht Rock,” covering smooth radio hits from the 1970’s and 1980’s. Replete with yachting attire, this unique musical act will have you enthralled with their proudly tongue-and-cheek performance.
NO BS! Brass Band features a nine-piece horn section that reinterprets classic radio-friendly songs. When you take in their instrumental arrangements of classics by such artists such as Rush, Led Zeppelin, Michael Jackson, among many others, you won’t be able to not fall in love with them.
Long Arms amalgamates country and folk, chewing them up and spitting out incredibly catchy, yet no less emotionally resonant, music that’ll have you tapping your toes long after their performance ends. This is a very unique septet; you don’t want to miss catching them live—they’re that good.
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Cant wait!! So stoked! WEAR YOUR NO BS! GEAR!! also.. Here is our new Music video in case you haven’t seen it. Directed by Shaun Lilley.
“2 the Day” Its a song about how much we love RVA!
Much Love,
Good times this Friday! Early frisbee throwing to get warmed up for a great night of dancing on the river!