Four terribly useless graphs about the LEGO KidsFest

LEGO are a big deal in my house, so the LEGO KidsFest is an even bigger deal. To celebrate: four mostly useless graphs!

As a former and current LEGO aficionado, and someone who can see four different surfaces covered in LEGO from where I sit, this is kind of a big deal in our household. To celebrate, I put together these four mostly useless graphs (another big deal in our household).

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Total number of LEGO used


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Number of people in attendance


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Hours spent erecting LEGO sculptures


— ∮∮∮ —

Number of colors of LEGO


The LEGO KidsFest takes place this Friday through Sunday (October 3rd – 5th) at the Greater Richmond Convention Center. Tickets for some of the sessions are still on sale.

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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

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