Just Hit RECord: When JGL came to town as a Regular Joe
Joseph Gordon-Levitt brought hitRECord On Tour to the National this past Wednesday.
Dominion Riverrock! Its weekend specter looms on the horizon! Below you’ll find a lovely photo set taken by the wonderful Johnny Hugel — giving you just a mere taste of the full x-treme onslaught you should expect on Brown’s Island this weekend.
The phrase “out of your element” is one which would apply to many situations I find myself in on a regular basis. Therefore it was in the true spirit of adventure that I jumped at the chance to attend the infamous Richmond Show.
The day that Tumblr announced that they would be opening a satellite office in Richmond, VA the various ‘o’sphere’s (blog, net, twit) exploded with questions and praise. On Thursday January 13th, Tumblr’s creator and current Product Director, David Karp flew to Richmond, VA to christen the new office and answer some of Richmond’s most dire questions.
Upright Citizens Brigade’s Chris Gethard is climbing into an RV, heading out of New York, and embarking on a 12-day, cross-country tour that will end at the UBC Theater in Los Angeles. Thanks to the Richmond Comedy Coalition, Richmond gets to be a stop along the way.
Comedian Sara Schaefer returns home from New York City, bringing with her stand-up comics Jon Dore, Ben Kronberg, and Scott Moran for “The Homecoming Comedy Show” this week at Gallery 5. Here Sara and some of her friends chat about how stoked they are on the upcoming show and clear up and rumors about performing in the South.
In celebration of their one year anniversary, the Richmond Comedy Coalition’s Katie Holcomb, Matt Newman and David Pijor, sat down with us to talk about the art of being funny, comedy’s place in Richmond, and (of course) Nutzy.
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings kicked off Richmond’s spring/summer concert season with their performance at Groovin’ in the Garden (held at Maymont). Take a look at some images of what turned out to be a great show.
They came, they ran, they wore funny costumes. And, of course, we took pictures. Take a look at some shots we snagged at last weekend’s Monument Avenue 10k.
Since 1959, The Second City has been churning out such comedic genius as John Belushi, Bill Murray, Steve Carell, and Tina Fey (among others). And they’re in town to celebrate.