Archives: richmond ballet

Meet Jesse Lyon and the Richmond Ballet’s New Works Festival

The Wonderful Story of Jesse Lyon, Richmond Ballet’s newest dancer, who is here from France to charm his way into your heart.

Richmond Ballet will travel to China next year

It’ll be the ballet’s first ever trip to Asia.

5 Things

I’m going to remind myself that even though we shut it all down for one inch of snow already, we’re a little tougher now than last month, so we’re going to put on good coats and see what’s happening out there.

A Day in the life of Cinderella’s Spring Fairy

Elena Bello returns to the stage, but also to the digital pages of RVANews, as our guide to the secret life of dancers–this time from the unique perspective of Cinderella’s Spring Fairy.

5 Things

Sports, parties, and music! You know how we do! And by “you,” I mean “another town who might be looking at us with one eyebrow raised because they think they have more fun stuff to do.” Take a gander at this list, other town, and get that eyebrow back where it belongs.

5 Things

There are plenty of things that you can distract yourself as well as your out-of-town guests with during this final surge of holiday frenzy.

Diary of a Magic Doll: The Nutcracker as experienced by Elena Bello

They may make it look easy, but the life of a dancer is anything but. Richmond Ballet company member Elena Bello has a special place in her heart for the holiday classic, The Nutcracker, and she shares her experience with us in her own words and pictures.

Richmond Ballet’s 30th Anniversary Celebration: Most exciting ballet yet

Philip Neal, Richmond Ballet’s most treasured alum, is back again. Still glowing from the success from his last original venture, Phoenix Rising, we got another chance to chat about his role as the répétiteur of Jerome Robbins’s Fancy Free and the rest of the RB’s ambitious 30th anniversary program this weekend.

5 Things

Halloween is STILL GOING, if you can believe it. But this weekend, as Halloween gets old and murky like an overripe jack’o’lantern, the gleam of other fall activities begins to shine through. Fortunately, many still involve beer, so the party’s not over yet.

5 Things

Ain’t no October like a Richmond October ’cause a Richmond October don’t stop. Like ever. Seriously, calendars are filling up faster than you can “Pumpkin Spice Latte” — and this is just the first weekend!

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